AMD 30s from Proview Produções on Vimeo.

Cliente: AMD Processadores
Agência: Comunicação Estratégica
Criação: Marlos Vaz, Marcelo Melo, Pedro Capistrano, Juliana Bastos e Amandio Aleixo
Diretor: Thiago Pestana
Atendimento: Tatiana Santiago
Produção: Isabela de Napoli e Karina Petito
Computação gráfica: Savio Chaves, Felipe Guatiello, Marcus Tullius, Leonardo Freitas e Sid Ahearne

In this project I sculpted detail and textured the Soldier and some props: M-16, crates and barrels and a wrecked car. Work done in Zbrush.
Neste projeto Eu detalhei e texturizei o Soldado e alguns props: M-16, caixas e barris e um carro abandonado. Trabalho feito no Zbrush.


Amor Eterno Amor from BEELD.motion on Vimeo.

Direction, Screenplay and Animation: BEELD
Client: Rede Globo (CGCOM)
Logo Design: Rede Globo (CGCOM)
Audio: Rede Globo
Eduardo Tosto, Greco Bernardi, Luiz Maggessi, Marcelo Mourão, Papito,
Filippo Johansson, Daniel Hodge, Siddhartha Ahearne.

I animated the 2D boy and girl, pretty simple with some hair and clothes cycles.
With this guy I wanted to have all the typical pirate elements, ended up leaving out the eye patch, having the blind eye showing turned out better I thought. The character was also found worthy by Pixologic to be added to their Turntable Gallery, you can check it out at:

                                                         Gold Prospector Character


                                               JulesVerne inspired Under water theme Game.

                                                                  African Themed game

  Here is some work I've done for Lightning Box games, For "African theme" and "Under water theme" I took existing 2D games with no animated elements and gave them a 3D look with some animated elements. The gold prospector was an animated element for an existing game  All work done in Softimage, Zbrush, Photoshop and TVPaint.

                             Copyright © Lightning Box Games  all rights reserved

Prezunic Carnaval 2012 from Plano Z on Vimeo.
Client: Prezunic
Production: Plano Z
Direction: Marcus Vinicius
Concept Art & Storyboard: Siddhartha Ahearne
2D Animation: Siddhartha Ahearne
3D Artists: Alê Martins, Daniel Nicolaevsky, Raphael Defáveri, Bernard Machado e Marcus Vinicius Customer Services and Coordination: Patricia Bau

All artwork and animation Copyright© Sid Ahearne, unless otherwise stated /. Powered by Blogger.
Sid Ahearne
Son of a Writer/Teacher and an Architect/Carpenter, lucky to have parents who encouraged art, at age 19 started out at "Walt Disney Animation Australia", always been passionate about character/creature art in general. Today I live in sunny Brazil and work as a freelance animator and illustrator.