Based on the play by Molière, this is a children's book adaptation by Márcio Trigo, written in Portuguese, published by Editora Mirabolante and myself as the illustrator.
The picture above was the one that got the style approved; the deadline was a bit tight so I took a simple approach with the style of the backgrounds. I’m currently waiting for the green light from the Publisher to post the illustrations, should be sometime mid June, till then hope you enjoy this preview.

A modern version of the characters.

All artwork and animation Copyright© Sid Ahearne, unless otherwise stated /. Powered by Blogger.
Sid Ahearne
Son of a Writer/Teacher and an Architect/Carpenter, lucky to have parents who encouraged art, at age 19 started out at "Walt Disney Animation Australia", always been passionate about character/creature art in general. Today I live in sunny Brazil and work as a freelance animator and illustrator.